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Activities in Ukraine

1. From 03 September 2007 to 31 of May 2008 Alliance implemented a project “Promotion of Student Government and Transparency in Donetsk Universities”.
The project goal was to strengthen and increase the capacities of student governments at universities of Donetsk Region to serve as a tool for bringing-up future leaders, giving students a voice in their university, promoting transparency and combating corruption. The project aimed to provide trainings, discussions, and the practical application of skills, resulting in robust student governments.

2. From February to November 2008 Alliance implemented a project “Creating mechanisms to lessen corruption and encourage active anti-corruption activities by student leaders in higher education in Donetsk region”
The project goal was to institute active anti-corruption activities by student governments and mass media by creating mechanisms that influence and make higher education in the Donetsk region more transparent and less corrupt.
Project Results:

  • 20 student leaders learned about and practiced mechanisms for lessening corruption in universities through student courts, honor codes, and information campaigns

  • 20 student journalists learned useful information about anti-corruption and published 20 articles

  • Student leaders created a talk show and four radio programs about anti-corruption which reached 500,000 people

  • 20,000 students were informed about anti-corruption methods by student mass media, and they now are more informed and able to formulate their own opinions.

  • 300 books were published for student leaders with information, practical steps, and mechanisms for fighting corruption that was developed during our project.

  • The administrations of 8 universities are more informed about anti-corruption mechanisms and how to enact these policies at their universities.

  • The strategies, which were developed during the project, will be carried out by different parts of the student governments to create a cohesive, unified strategy to fight corruption.

  • A watchdog activity was performed to monitor, analyze and publicize the influence of testing of high schools students at independent assessment centers at the level of corruption in High schools and universities. 500 copies of analytical report were published and delivered.

3-4 Two watchdog projects - Anticorruption monitoring of State Universities of Donetsk Region - one was implemented in 2008 (June-December) 2008 and the second we are implementing currently (April-September 2009)

Results of the first project :
->The biggest state Universities of Donetsk region were thoroughly monitored to learn the reasons and factors of corruption. An analytical report was prepared and publicized through an information campaign which included a press-conference, 3 round tables, and several talk shows on regional TV, 6 radio broadcasts and more than 40 publications in electronic and printed mass-media. Totally, more than 2 000 000 people were informed through the campaign about the issue.
->A scope of recommendations was prepared for the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine and an advocacy campaign was implemented to combat corruption at Universities on a system level. 80% of the recommendations have been accepted by the Ministry and some laws and regulations in the field of higher education have been changed.
->A regional coalition “Transparent Education” was created to monitor the situation and strengthen changes in higher education of the region.
Goals of this year
->To strengthen the coalition, develop it’s strategy and promote its ideas on national level
->To provide a watchdog activity in the same state Universities of Donetsk region to learn how the changes in laws and regulations in the field of higher education influenced on the level of corruption in the universities.
->To prepare an analytical report and publicize it through an information campaign.

5. “Honor Code Promotion at Top Universities in Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk and Cherkassy Oblasts” - current project (February-June 2009)
The goal of this project is to promote awareness and adoption of honor codes at 6-7 top universities in three oblasts in Eastern Ukraine, which will act as models and examples for other universities in the region to combat corruption in Higher education on a grassroots level.

To achieve this goal, the following activities and events are planned:
Information Session: about honor codes - what they are, how they work, examples from the U.S., information about academic integrity and academic values, ways in which an honor code fights corruption and improves education, methods of enforcement of honor codes (honor committees and honor code courts).

Training Session: to teach members of the university community how to build an honor code. They will teach practical steps on developing and writing a code, as well as how to enforce the code, and how to build an honor code court. Methods for promoting awareness will also be taught. As a result of the training, participants will return to their universities and begin doing research and preparing for the open space/planning session.

Open Space Session: Representatives of the university community (students, faculty, and administrators) will build their honor codes during this session, utilizing the open format and collaborative techniques of ‘open space’. Participants will bring what they have developed on their own following the training sessions to the open space. At the open space, participants will benefit from collaborative feedback, group-brainstorming sessions, and the examples and lessons learned from their peers at other universities. This will serve to help participants build well thought out, robust, and complete honor codes. This session will also feature brainstorming and discussion about ways participants can promote and spread awareness about the honor code back at their university.

Promotional Events: Participants will carry out informational sessions and mini-seminars, as well as working group meetings at their universities to promote the honor code and inform the university community using the strategy developed during the Open Space.
Round Table Summing Up Event: Participants will share the results of their activities, their successes, and the difficulties they have encountered. This will serve as another opportunity to get advice and feedback from their peers. This will also facilitate participants building promotional activities on their own.
The project will have the following Long-term Results:
->Corruption and cheating at universities will be lessened
->Other universities in the area will adopt honor codes based on the example set by the 6-7 participating universities
->Collaborative partnerships will develop amongst model universities, promoting cooperation on other similar issues, all of them will be invited to join the regional coalition “Transparent Education”
->The students of participating universities will be made more aware of honor codes, the effects they can have on higher education, and will become proponents of honor codes in the future.
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