Armenia: Country Specific Information
Specific Program Activities in Armenia
Since February 2009 “NGO Center” Civil Society Development Organization (NGOC) is implementing “Anticorruption Education in Armenia” project funded by Education Development Center (EDC). The goal of the grant project implementing by the NGOC is to contribute to the formation of active civic disposition and anticorruption behavior among Armenian youth through workshops on anticorruption issues, improvement of youth capacities and skills to provide research in their communities, development of Anticorruption Code of Conduct and Youth Anticorruption Strategy. The following activities will be carried out to achieve the above mentioned results:
The project will cover the whole territory of Armenia and core groups of young people aged 18 to 30 will be set up in the North, in the South and in the Central region. The core group will be formed from the active representatives of the NGOs, Students Councils and community groups. NGOC is going to provide 3 different cycles of the workshops for each of groups of participants. During the first workshop the participants will acquire knowledge about corruption and its consequences, obtain skills and courage to speak out about anticorruption manifestations and struggle against it as well as acquire skills to plan and implement campaigns and events dedicated to struggling against corruption and mobilize other young people and provide in anticorruption campaigns. During the 2nd workshop the participants will gain knowledge and skills to make a research in the regions. The main purpose of the research is to identify corruption risks and have background information for the development of the Youth Anticorruption Strategy based on real needs in the regions. The process of drafting the Code of Conduct will start during the 1st cycle of the Open dialogue meetings: the idea and necessity of the document will be presented to the students, their parents, lecturers, representatives of the LSGBs, Mass Medias and business sector. The purpose of this activity is to collect ideas for document drafting, to motivate the stakeholders, to make them fill owners of the whole process. During the 2nd cycle of Open dialogue meetings the young people will present the Youth Anticorruption Strategy to the representatives of LSGBs, Mass-Medias, universities, representatives of business sector and representatives of different youth organizations and unions. The representatives will be encouraged to sign the Code of Conduct as a first step towards the Strategy implementation.
The ideas will be collected and a common document will be presented to the core groups during the 3rd workshop where the Code of Conduct will be finalized by the participants. The final document will be presented and discussed in the regions with the students and lecturers of the universities, the representatives of the youth NGOs and other interested stakeholders during the individual meetings and open dialog meetings. The whole process will be lead by the workshops participants. They are responsible for the finalization of the Code of Conduct.
NGOC is going to post the Code of Conduct as well as the other information on project in our web-site:
The final stage of the project will be competition of youth anticorruption projects. The competition will be announced among the youth to implement an anticorruption project in their regions to motivate the stakeholders to implement the Youth Anticorruption Strategy. 5 projects/ one –time actions will be approved and financed. These will be short-term projects directed to involvement of young people in the planning and implementation of anticorruption activities and/or actions and institutionalization of the skills and knowledge gained during the workshops and Open doors meetings.
Quotes from participating youth
According to the perception of young people corruption is the abuse of the position for making profits, it is disgraceful phenomenon rooted in our society which makes a supressing enviroment for people with «healthy» way of thinking. There is also a big percentage of young people who consider this a phenomenon to be both sided, i.e when there is someone who offers a bribe there will be someone who would take it. It is a violation of law which prevents the natural development of civil society; it is a disease of the society which has a very harmful influence both on the country and the morality of the people living within that country. Its consequences can be obvious or not and that makes it dangerous.
In order to struggle against corruption in education the young people suggest raising the salaries of teachers and lecturers at educational institutions, conduct various trainings and workshops for students on corruption during which they will acquire knowledge on how to struggle against this phenomenon, will perceive it as evil for country development and will stop promoting its development. Various steps should be taken by corresponding authorities to control the corruption risks and take corresponding measures for punishment and prevention of corruption risks. Some of them consider that it is not possible to demolish it totally but can be decreased to some level.