Macedonia: Country Specific Information
Since February 2009, YEF and EDC are implementing ‘Transparent Education Network’ activities. The goal of this initiative is to build the local capacity in Macedonia to work towards addressing corruption in education. In March 2009, YEF administered a call for (amateur) videos to be produced on the topic of ‘Anticorruption Vaccination.’
The video call and the promotional materials were designed to encourage youth in the country to be open and honest about their perception of corruption. The call for videos encourage youth to respond in creative ways as a way to begin to understand the institutional challenges facing the nation as a whole.
To ensure wide youth participation, the YEF team produced a promotional video to advertise the call for videos. The promotional video included Macedonian youth responding to questions about corruption including the following: “In your opinion, do you perceive the high education system in Macedonia as corrupt?”, “What are the most common shapes of corruption in the high education?”, “What action would you propose to fight corruption in high education”, “Do you feel that corrupt educational system reduces the value of your diploma?”. This video has been disseminated through various online mediums including Facebook, YouTube, including several popular Macedonia websites. was s and TV channels.
The video contest was open for 15 days and at the end 24 students applied with 27 scenarios. The final selection of tion of the 4 winning scenarios was made by a group of students from different universities. The four winning youth participants are awarded with $150 in order to produce the videos they have proposed by the end of April. YEF and EDC will work together to disseminate these videos widely.